Are You Making a Guaranteed 9% Return on Your Money?

Sometimes there can be a “good” side to inflation. Today, I am going to share how you can tap into that side in just about two weeks – you’re gonna love this!

In May, the U.S. Treasury Department will issue its newest Series I savings bonds, or “I bonds.” These bonds have a yield that is based on the inflation rate. And in May, they will pay you 9% or more!

That’s not a typo. The U.S. government will pay you a guaranteed 9% on your money – try getting that from your bank!

Here’s the catch… You can get that 9%-plus return only on an investment of up to $10,000 and only if you hold the bonds for a year. Otherwise, you will get hit with a small penalty (though the return will still be better than you’d get from your bank or any certificate of deposit).

And if you want to get that 9% return on more than $10,000, here’s how you can:

  1. Every eligible member of your family can get that rate on an investment of up to $10,000.
  2. You have to sign up electronically here:
  3. If you want to invest even more money and get that 9% return, you can invest an additional $5,000, but that has to be in physical (paper) notes.

The last time I checked, the best one-year certificate of deposit was paying around 1%. These I bonds generate 800% better returns!

And you can do it again next year.

So what are you waiting for?

Action Plan: Go to this site and set up your account. Then, you’ll be on your way to collecting more money from the government than most people you know. Just think of that Cheshire cat grin that you’ll be wearing at the next cocktail party!

Where to invest $100 right now?

Our award-winning analyst team just revealed what they believe are the 5 top under-the-radar stocks for investors to buy right now…

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