5 Reasons Why This Pharmaceutical Specialist Could Double Your Money

The Covid pandemic has reminded us all just how important biotech can be…

This story was originally published here.

In our twice-weekly chats, I often suggest investments that are part of large tech sectors.

For instance, the life sciences field defines huge. Just the prescription drug segment alone will be worth $1.2 trillion by 2024, according to data from Statista.

So, you might be wondering why I am focused on a medical area that will be worth just 0.1% of that figure over roughly the same time frame.

It’s a fair question. The answer is pretty basic. A high-octane leader
focused on specialty drugs can make a killing.

And the one I’m going to reveal to you today defines profit machine. It’s on pace to double per-share earnings in as little as a year.

With that in mind, let me show you five reasons why this wealth-building biotech firm should at the very least be on your radar screen….

Editor's Note: Click here to keep reading.

Joe Montana: “this is the cannabis team I trust.”

Hi, I'm Joe Montana.

And I want to invite you to a join me during a special presentation about investing in one of the fastest-growing industries in the world – cannabis.

This is something you won't want to miss.

Now, you might be wondering “Why should I listen to an old football player about investing?

Well, here's something you may not know about me.

After I retired from football, I started investing in startups.

I made some investments personally and even launched my own fund.

I've backed some of the most successful startups in the world – I'm talking about companies like Dropbox and Pinterest – long before they became billion-dollar giants.

But the numbers tell me that the cannabis industry has as much potential as anything I've seen in a while.

There's a projected $72.8 billion worth of untapped demand for the taking right now… and the market is projected to grow to $500 billion if not more…

Which makes right now a great time to invest in cannabis and lock in a ground-floor opportunity.

That's why I recently took part in The 2020 American Cannabis Summit.

It's an online event hosted by the National Institute for Cannabis Investors that was created to give you the information and tools you need to make the best possible investment decisions in this market.

If you have even a slight interest in investing in cannabis, you won't want to miss this event.

Click here to join the summit.

To Your Success,

Joe Montana
Guest Speaker, The 2020 American Cannabis Summit

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The AI Stocks Every Investor Should Have On Their Radar

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How to Collect "Amazon Royalty" Payouts Before the Deadline

Thanks to a little-known IRS loophole, regular Americans can collect up to $28,544 (or more) in payouts from what is called “Amazon’s secret royalty program”…
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Elon Musk's "Project Omega"

It could soon mint new millionaires, while plunging millions of unprepared Americans into poverty. Get the stocks at the center of it all.
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The #1 Trade For 2023

Elon Musk is set to reveal his secret “Project X” that could revolutionize a $23 Trillion industry, and potentially be 1,000x bigger than EV’s. 
This Backdoor play could hand early investors a windfall of gains.
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Every Investor Should Have This $3 AI Stock On Their Radar

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Project An-E

Breakthrough A.I. Just Predicted What the Stock Prices of Tesla, Nvidia, and Apple Will Be 30 Days from Now…
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Elon Musk's "Project Omega"

It could soon mint new millionaires, while plunging millions of unprepared Americans into poverty. Get the stocks at the center of it all.
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#1 A.I. Stock Currently Trading For $3

Gain immediate access to this revolutionary $3 A.I. stock that is set to disrupt a $15 Trillion Market soar 75X.
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